Neck Lift and Mini Neck Lift

California’s Leading Facial Plastic Surgeon

What is Neck Lift Surgery?

The aging neck presents distinct issues that are peculiar to the neck only. Lax skin, muscles, and soft tissues (fat) of the neck can be operated on directly with or without a facelift procedure. The aging of the neck usually occurs earlier than other facial aging and can be dependent on genetics and weight loss/gain. It is important to remember that neck rejuvenation occurs from the mandibular jawline to the area of the “Adam’s Apple” and first transverse cervical wrinkle.

Neck Lift procedures are designed to address:

  • Excess Skin under the chin and in the neck area
  • Excess Fat under the chin and in the neck area
  • Neck Muscle Banding of the neck
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Before and After Photos of a male neck lift patient performed by Dr. Malcolm Lesavoy.
Before and after photos of a female neck lift and facelift patient performed by Dr. Malcolm Lesavoy.

Before (left) and After (right) Photos of Male and Female Patients Who Underwent a Neck Lift Procedure Performed by Dr. Malcolm Lesavoy, Beverly Hills Board Certified Plastic Surgeon.

What are the Different Types of Neck Lift?

Facial rejuvenation of the neck is approached according to each patient’s specific need and cosmetic goals. Cosmetic correction of the aging neck addresses not only sagging skin under the chin, but excess fat and muscle laxity.

  • Neck Liposuction (Submental Liposuction) – Also referred to as Chin Liposuction, this is the simplest and most straight forward of the neck procedures is the neck liposuction (submental lipectomy) where the fat is suctioned from the neck through three tiny incisions: one behind each earlobe, and the third beneath the chin. Submental lipectomy as a stand-alone procedure is effective if the skin tone is reasonable and there is no evidence of muscle laxity.
  • Mini Neck Lift – Regardless, cervical bands may receive some temporary improvement with Botox injections, but the definitive repair is called an anterior neck lift. This includes submental lipectomy as well as a small submental incision to gain access to the bands which are surgically repaired and tightened.
  • Full Neck Lift (Platysmaplasty Neck Lift)– For those individuals who have the quinella of neck deformities including fat, lax platysma muscle bands, and excessive skin will require a neck lift. The neck lift includes the anterior neck lift with incisions around the earlobe and behind the ear to tighten and remove the excess skin of the neck. This procedure is the most effective procedure for the patient that has surplus skin under the chin, excess fat, decrease in skin elasticity, and noticeable neck bands.


Will I look natural after neck surgery?

Dr. Malcolm Lesavoy specializes in facial rejuvenation and designs his facial procedures to make it natural appearing while aiming for maximum results.

Why should I consider a neck lift?

Like all cosmetic facial rejuvenation procedures, this procedure can be very rewarding by boosting your confidence and self-image. Neck surgery helps to restore the jawline and neck area to a more youthful appearance by tightening the skin, muscle, and removal of excess fat.

Neck & Face Lift Before After Gallery California

How is neck lift surgery done?

During the procedure, facial, neck tissue and muscle may be separated; fat may be trimmed or suctioned, and underlying muscle may be tightened.

In general, Dr. Lesavoy separates the skin from the fat and muscle below. Fat may be trimmed or suctioned from around the neck and chin to improve the contour. Dr. Lesavoy will then tighten the underlying muscle and membrane, pull the skin back, and remove the excess. Sutures will secure the layers of tissue and close the incisions; metal clips may be used on the scalp area behind the ear.

After the deep tissues are tightened, the excess skin is pulled up and back, then trimmed and sutured into place. Following surgery, a small, thin tube may be temporarily placed under the skin behind your ear to drain any blood that might collect there. Dr. Lesavoy may also wrap your head loosely in bandages to minimize bruising and swelling. 

Where are the incisions with neck lift surgery?

Incisions for a full neck lift usually begin above the ear at the hairline, follow the natural line in front of the ear, curve behind the earlobe into the crease behind the ear, and into or along the lower scalp. 

What Is the recovery from a neck lift procedure?

Recovery takes approximately one to two weeks. The sutures are removed at approximately one week. Bruising may still be present after one week but will diminish and resolve in about 2-3 weeks. High collar shirts or scarves are a patient favorite to hide bruising until it resolves.

Men are asked to be careful when shaving especially around the ear until the incisions heal. All patients should plan on protecting their incisions from the sun for six months following surgery. 

Is neck lift a painful procedure?

Facial plastic surgery is not rated as a very painful procedure. Most patients report switching over to Tylenol after a few days. 

Do many men in the Beverly Hills, Los Angles Areas have neck lift surgery?

The neck lift procedure is one of the most common male plastic surgery procedures we do to help rejuvenate signs of aging in men. In fact, neck and eyelid surgery are the two most common facial plastic procedures among men. 

How do I prepare for neck lift surgery?

Beginning one month prior to your scheduled surgery, Dr. Lesavoy requests you cease use of any nicotine products including cigarettes, nicotine patches, and vaping. Nicotine is a known problem when it comes to healing by decreasing circulation and slowing the healing process.  Alcohol use also slows healing, increases bleeding during surgery and interferes with medications. 

Patients should discontinue use of all NSAIDS two weeks prior to their scheduled surgery. NSAIDS include medications such as aspirin, BC Powder, ibuprofen, Motrin, naproxen, and many decongestant medications. NSAIDS are also blood thinners and cause surgical patients to bruise and swell more. The goal is to reduce your neck lift recovery time by reducing bleeding during the procedure and post-operative bruising.

Incisions may begin above the ear at the temples, follow the natural line in front of the ear, curve behind the earlobe into the crease behind the ear, and into or along the lower scalp.

During the procedure, neck tissue and muscle may be separated; fat may be trimmed or suctioned and underlying muscle may be tightened.

In general, Dr. Lesavoy separates the skin from the fat and muscle below. Fat may be trimmed or suctioned from around the neck and chin to improve the contour. Dr. Lesavoy will then tighten the underlying muscle and membrane, pull the skin back, and remove the excess. Stitches will secure the layers of tissue and close the incisions; metal clips may be used on the scalp.

After the deep tissues are tightened, the excess skin is pulled up and back, then trimmed and sutured into place. Following surgery, a small, thin tube may be temporarily placed under the skin behind your ear to drain any blood that might collect there. Dr. Lesavoy may also wrap your head loosely in bandages to minimize bruising and swelling.
Facelift incisions
Facelift Incisions
Neck lift and Facelift incisions

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  • Beverly Hills, CA 90210
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