
Leading Scarless Rhinoplasty Surgeon California

What is Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty, commonly referred to as a “nose job,” is a surgical procedure that reshapes or resizes the nose. It can be performed for cosmetic reasons to enhance facial symmetry and balance or for functional reasons to correct structural defects, such as a deviated septum, which can cause breathing difficulties. The procedure can involve altering the bone, cartilage, skin, or all three. The operation is performed through carefully placed incisions inside the nose to remove or reshape any excess or mal-positioned cartilage or bone, resulting in improved breathing through the nostrils.

Nose reshaping surgery can be performed not only to meet aesthetic goals but also for reconstructive purposes, including correcting birth defects or breathing problems. Nose surgery can be one of the most enjoyable plastic surgery procedures. The goal is to have a nose that breathes well and adds refinement to the overall facial appearance. The attractive nose is always straight, symmetric, and is of the proper size to accentuate the attractive face.

Leading Scarless Rhinoplasty Surgeon in Los Angeles, California for nearly three decades.

Common Names for Cosmetic Nose Surgery

  • Scarless Rhinoplasty
  • Closed Rhinoplasty
  • Nose Job
  • Nose Reshaping
Scarless Closed Rhinoplasty Before and After Photos by Leading Facial Plastic Surgeon California

Before (left) and After (right) Photos of Female Rhinoplasty Surgical Procedure as Performed by Dr. Malcolm Lesavoy, Beverly Hills Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

Key Points

  • Education – Advanced education in cosmetic and reconstructive rhinoplasty surgery. Trained by World’s greatest plastic surgeon of all time Dr. D. Ralph Millard at the University of Miami.
  • Board Certification – Board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery
  • Experience – California’s leading plastic surgeon having performed thousands of rhinoplasty procedures.
  • Authority – Former Chief of Plastic Surgery UCLA, mentor and teacher to hundreds of plastic surgeon worldwide, leader in scarless rhinoplasty procedures.
  • Knowledge – Strong understanding of facial anatomy to help patients achieve harmonious nasal reshaping results that complement their facial features.
  • Proven Record – Adhering to industry best practices and innovative surgical protocols to insure safety and low complication rates.
  • 5-Star Reviews – Strong reputation in the medical community and positive reviews from previous patients.

Who is a Good Candidate for Rhinoplasty?

The best candidates for nose surgery are patients seeking an improvement in their appearance, are physically healthy, in a good mental state, and have realistic expectations. To discuss whether you meet the requirements to have plastic surgery of the nose, please call our office today and schedule a consultation.

A nose job can enhance your appearance and your self-confidence, but it won’t necessarily change your looks to match your ideal, nor will it cause other people to treat you differently. Before you decide to have surgery, think carefully about your expectations and discuss them with Dr. Lesavoy.

Dr. Lesavoy considers the best candidates for nose surgery to be people who are looking for improvement, but not perfection, in the way they look. People who are physically healthy, psychologically stable, and realistic in your expectations, you may be a good candidate.

Age may also be a consideration for Dr. Lesavoy. Many surgeons prefer not to operate on teenagers until after they’ve completed their growth spurt, which is usually around 14 or 15 for girls and a bit later for boys. Dr. Lesavoy feels that it’s important to consider teenagers’ social and emotional adjustment, too, and to make sure it’s what they (and not just their parents) really want.

Can I Have Cosmetic Nose Surgery to Correct a Previously Broken Nose?

One of the most common reasons for nose surgery is due to prior injury of the nose resulting in asymmetrical and undesired cosmetic nasal deformity. During your consultation with Dr. Lesavoy, he will be able to access your nasal injury and develop a surgical plan to help you achieve your cosmetic goals.

Where does Dr. Lesavoy perform Nose Surgery?

Dr. Lesavoy performs nose surgeries as an outpatient procedure in his accredited outpatient surgery center located inside his private office in Beverly Hills.

The Nose Surgery Consultation

During your consultation with Dr. Lesavoy, he will review your medial history and discuss with you your cosmetic goals of reshaping your nose. A surgical plan will be made according to your needs and Dr. Lesavoy’s staff will provide you with the costs and review available surgery dates.

Different Types of Rhinoplasty

  • Open Rhinoplasty – This type of nose job is the most common surgical approach in nasal plastic surgery and sometimes the easiest and/or fastest surgical method. However, this approach involves incisions outside of the nose area, most commonly a small incision at the middle or the base of the columella.
  • Closed Rhinoplasty – Also called Scarless Rhinoplasty, this type of cosmetic nose surgery is Dr. Lesavoy’s preferred method with his nasal plastic surgery procedures. This method involves placing the surgical incisions inside of the nose, without making visible incisions on the outside of the nose. However, depending on the patient’s specific cosmetic or reconstructive goals, the closed rhinoplasty may not be the best approach to achieve the desired results.
  • Revision Rhinoplasty – We see many patients who have had previous nasal surgery. In general, we ask that patients who have had previous nasal surgery wait at least six months, if possible, before a second operation is recommended. A consultation can be obtained at any time to discuss possible problems and solutions that are available.
  • Septo-Rhinoplasty – This type of nose surgery includes repair of a deviated septum. In some cases, in order to correct a deviated septum, it may be necessary to reshape the bone in addition to the cartilage framework of the septum.
Closed Scarless Rhinoplasty Specialist Los Angeles

About Scarless Rhinoplasty Surgery at Lesavoy Plastic Surgery Beverly Hills

Nose reshaping procedures require one to two hours to complete. During the surgery, Dr. Lesavoy will separate the skin of the nose from the bone and cartilage. The framework will be sculpted to achieve the desired shape.

The sculpting procedure varies depending on the extent of the problem and the technique chosen by Dr. Lesavoy. He will approach the treatment by removing the hump with a chisel or rasp. The nasal bones will then be brought together to create a narrower bridge. The cartilage will be trimmed to re-sculpt the tip of the nose. Following the reshaping process, the nasal skin will be re-draped over the bone and cartilage. According to Dr. Lesavoy, the final result must look natural and not look “done.”

If the nostrils are wide, small amounts of skin can be removed from the base, allowing them to be closer together. Most surgeries are performed inside the nose, which means the incision will be inside the nostrils.

The septum may need to be stabilized, which can be achieved by placing soft nasal packs inside the nostrils. After the surgery, a splint can be applied to help maintain the new shape of your nose.

About Scarless Rhinoplasty Surgery at Lesavoy Plastic Surgery Beverly Hills

Nose reshaping procedures require one to two hours to complete. During the surgery, Dr. Lesavoy will separate the skin of the nose from the bone and cartilage. The framework will be sculpted to achieve the desired shape.

The sculpting procedure varies depending on the extent of the problem and the technique chosen by Dr. Lesavoy. He will approach the treatment by removing the hump with a chisel or rasp. The nasal bones will then be brought together to create a narrower bridge. The cartilage will be trimmed to re-sculpt the tip of the nose. Following the reshaping process, the nasal skin will be re-draped over the bone and cartilage. According to Dr. Lesavoy, the final result must look natural and not look “done.”

If the nostrils are wide, small amounts of skin can be removed from the base, allowing them to be closer together. Most surgeries are performed inside the nose, which means the incision will be inside the nostrils.

The septum may need to be stabilized, which can be achieved by placing soft nasal packs inside the nostrils. After the surgery, a splint can be applied to help maintain the new shape of your nose.

How do I Prepare for Cosmetic Nose Surgery?

Dr. Lesavoy and his staff will give you specific instructions on how to prepare for surgery, including guidelines on eating and drinking, smoking, taking or avoiding certain vitamins and medications, and washing your face. Carefully following these instructions will help your surgery go more smoothly.

As with all surgical procedures, patients should stop use of any nicotine products one month prior to their scheduled surgery date. Nicotine is medically known to interfere with the healing process and can be a source of post-operative complications.

While you’re preparing, be sure to arrange for someone to drive you home after your surgery and to help you out for a few days if needed.

What Can I Expect During Rhinoplasty Recovery?

After nose surgery, and particularly during the first twenty-four hours, your face will feel puffy, your nose may ache, and you may have a dull headache. You can control any discomfort with the pain medication prescribed by Dr. Lesavoy. Plan on staying in bed with your head elevated (except for going to the bathroom) for the first day.

The swelling and bruising around your eyes will increase at first but will reach a peak after two or three days. Applying cold compresses will help reduce this swelling and will help you feel better. Within two weeks, most of the swelling and bruising should disappear. (Some subtle swelling – unnoticeable to anyone but you and Dr. Lesavoy – will remain for several months.)

A little bleeding is common during the first few days following surgery, and you may continue to feel some stuffiness for several weeks. Dr. Lesavoy will probably ask you not to blow your nose for a week or so, while the tissues heal.

Nasal packing will be removed after a few days and will allow you to feel much more comfortable. After one or two weeks, all dressings, splints, and stitches should be removed.

Dr. Lesavoy will give you more specific guidelines for gradually resuming your normal activities. He’s likely to include these suggestions: avoid strenuous activity (jogging, swimming, bending, sexual relations-any activity that increases your blood pressure) for two to three weeks; avoid hitting or rubbing your nose, or getting it sunburned, for eight weeks; be gentle when washing your face and hair or using cosmetics.

You can wear contact lenses as soon as you feel like it, but glasses are more complicated and should be careful not to pinch or squeeze your nose. Once the splint is off, your glasses will have to be taped to your forehead or propped on your cheeks for another six to seven weeks, until your nose is completely healed.

Dr. Lesavoy will schedule frequent follow-up visits in the months after surgery, to check on the progress of your healing. If you have any unusual symptoms between visits, or any questions about what you can and can’t do, don’t hesitate to call Dr. Lesavoy.

Your New Look! Your New Facial Profile!

Following nasal plastic surgery, in the first few days when your face is bruised and swollen, it’s easy to forget that you will be looking better. In fact, some patients feel depressed for a while after plastic surgery – it’s quite normal and understandable.

This stage will soon pass. As the days go by, your nose will begin to look better, and your spirits will improve. Within a week or two, you won’t look as if you’ve just had surgery.

However, it’s important to remember that healing is a slow and gradual process. You may have subtle swelling for months, especially in the tip. The final results of rhinoplasty may not be apparent for a year or more.

After surgery, this patient has a smaller nose, a straighter bridge, a well-defined nasal tip, and an improved angle between the nose and upper lip.

You might experience some unexpected reactions from family and friends while you are healing. They may say they don’t see a major difference in your nose. Or they may act resentful, particularly if you’ve changed something they view as a family or ethnic trait. Keep in mind why you decided to have this surgery – if you’ve met your goals, then your nasal cosmetic surgery is a success.

How Much Does Rhinoplasty Cost?

All patients are not created equal and all noses require individual surgical plans to achieve an aesthetically pleasing and realistic result. During your consultation, Dr. Lesavoy will discuss your cosmetic surgery needs to achieve the result you desire. Cosmetic nose surgery is considered cosmetic by insurance companies and therefore is not a covered medical expense.

Many insurance plans cover septoplasty, a procedure to correct a deviated septum. However, septoplasty is not a procedure that improves the shape of your nose and does not include rhinoplasty. Please refer to your insurance policy for specific information regarding coverage of septoplasty or other reconstructive nasal procedures such as septo-rhinoplasty.

Call now!

Book a complimentary consultation with Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon Dr. Malcolm Lesavoy and let him help you with your cosmetic goals.


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