Tummy Tuck in Beverly Hills
Abdominoplasty by California’s Leading Plastic Surgeon
Tummy Tuck by Leading Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon Dr. Malcolm Lesavoy
Abdominoplasty is the medical term used to describe the plastic surgical procedure to reduce excess skin and fat from the abdomen. This procedure most often incorporates tightening of the abdominal muscles as well.
Abdominoplasty can create a drastic change in appearance. It can reduce the appearance of a protruding abdomen. An unwanted effect is a permanent scar, which can extend across the hips depending on the extent of the surgery but is hidden under the bikini line.
There are different types of tummy tuck depending on the patient’s specific situation and cosmetic goals.
- A Mini-Tummy Tuck usually does not require tightening of the muscles and can be accomplished with a shorter surgical incision hidden in the bikini line
- A regular or full abdominoplasty is when more skin removal is necessary and an additional incision is needed to improve the umbilicus.
The incisions for either the full or mini Abdominoplasty are placed low on the abdomen usually in the same place a caesarean section incision is placed. Dr. Lesavoy can provide a customized treatment plan based on your goals, anatomy, and results of the physical exam. The procedure can be performed in conjunction with liposuction for the most optimal results.

Best Plastic Surgery Doctors – 2024
Table of Contents
- Am I candidate for Tummy Tuck?
- Tummy Tuck After Pregnancy
- About the Procedure
- Tummy Tuck Before and After Gallery
- Tummy Tuck Consultation
- Tummy Tuck Recovery
Best Candidates for Abdominoplasty
The ideal candidate for Abdominoplasty is a patient in good health and ideal weight. Abdominoplasty is not a weight loss surgery. Rather it is ideal for those patients whom have already lost significant weight and are left with excess skin in the abdominal area.
Tummy Tuck After Pregnancy
Women whom have excess skin after pregnancy are also candidates, but are advised to not have a tummy tuck procedure until they are certain they do not plan to have any more children. Tummy Tuck is a major component of a Mommy Makeover.

Before and After Photos of Female and Male Tummy Tuck
Abdominoplasty Surgical Procedure
Dr. Malcolm Lesavoy performs all of his surgical procedures in his Beverly Hills plastic surgery office. Most abdominoplasty procedures last about 2 hours, and the patient will be kept for observation for approximately one hour afterwards. Patients are allowed to go home following surgery. Patients will have a surgical garment (like a girdle) and dressing placed on them in the operating room. Patients should not remove this garment and dressing until instructed by Dr. Lesavoy. Most patients will have their first post-operative visit with Dr. Lesavoy 2 or 3 days after surgery at which time the drains will be removed, change the dressing, and place the garment back on.
The Consultation for Tummy Tuck in Beverly Hills
During your initial consultation with Dr. Malcolm Lesavoy, he will speak to you personally about your decision to have plastic surgery and your cosmetic concerns. Dr. Lesavoy will inquire about your expectations give you his professional opinion to address those expectations. Your consultation will include a detailed medical history, photos will be taken, and you will meet with his staff to help develop a surgical plan that best fits your schedule. Additional information will be provided to you regarding planning for plastic surgery and recovery.
Numerous patients seeking mommy makeover can also choose to have breast augmentation surgery in conjunction with abdominoplasty. Candidates for this procedure must be in generally good health and have had no prior medical problems that may affect the results.
To learn about how abdominoplasty is performed in Dr. Lesavoy’s office, please call us today at 310-248-5451 and schedule your consultation!
Abdominoplasty Recovery
Patients must arrange for someone to drive them to and from the surgical center the day of surgery. Either a friend, family member, or a nurse must remain with you the first night after surgery because you will have been sedated. You will always want someone to drive you to your first post-operative visit approximately 2 or 3 days after surgery.
- Mild Pain – Your recovery after will include mild to moderate pain and discomfort. This will be easily controlled with the prescriptions given to you by Dr. Lesavoy.
- Sleeping Elevated – Most patients find sleeping in a recliner or elevated using a few pillows allows them to more easily get in and out of bed and reduces swelling of the surgical area.
- Time Off Work – Dr. Lesavoy recommends the patient expect to be off work for one week following surgery and refrain from physical activity for almost 2 weeks following surgery. Patients with small children should get a friend or relative to assist with childcare, due to the inability to lift or carry them.
- Exercise – Dr. Lesavoy does allow his patients to walk on a treadmill one week following surgery.
- Sun-Exposure – Patients should avoid sun exposure to the surgical incision for six months following surgery.
- Diet – Patients should drink plenty of fluids following surgery and maintain a healthy, low sodium diet.
- Compression Garment – A surgical garment will be placed on you in the operating room. This garment must stay on until Dr. Lesavoy instructs otherwise. The surgical garment must be worn at all times for up to two weeks following surgery in order to keep down the swelling, reduce pain, and reducing recovery time.